Yup, we’re still here. We had one and a half nice days and then the rain came back with thunder storms and now our outlook is this:
On top of that Terry came down with a nasty cough and flu so we have been cooped up here. It looks like we MIGHT leave Wednesday and head south.
In the mean time here are some pictures from around Saint Jean de Losne, a town we regard as a little down at heel given all the boaters that are here and which, with a little TLC, could be charming. Click on the pictures to make them larger.
The church is interesting with the Burgundy style roof. The traffic on the main highway through town and across the bridge hems it in.
The old hospital in one of the smaller “places”.
This commercial side street may have been thriving once but now one entire side is empty.
The Hotel de Ville (town hall). Perhaps part of the reason for the decline is that there are really three (small) towns together, Saint Jean de Losne, Saint Usage and Losne across the bridge each with their own town hall, Mayor and staff. Not terribly efficient.
The main water features here are the river Saone, the Burgundy Canal above us Canal and the Gare d’eau (water station) where the marinas are. In the middle of the Gare d’eau are two overgrown islands. They have installed a family of goats on one of them to keep the undergrowth down; we have been hearing their bleats from our boat. On one of the rare sunny days they came out in the open so we and the blue heron could check them out.