We had a wonderful southern Summer in Sydney this year and a grand time with the Grandchildren but Terry decided that she needed a break from three continents every year. So she is going to nest at home in San Luis Obispo this summer while Lilou and I adventure on the canals on Armida.
To help me out I have invited/cajoled/convinced several friends to join us for a week at a time. I have not really cruised solo before so extra hands in the locks (particularly going up) will be helpful.
My first thought was to head up the Petite Saone and the Canal des Vosges which we have not completed before but further investigation showed that access by train for my helpers would be very hard. Now I am thinking of revisiting the Burgundy Canal which we enjoyed so much in 2011 and its 198 Locks will give my helpers plenty to do.
Of course all plans are subject or destined to change and a survey of local conditions and opinions when I arrive in Mid June will help decide. I will let you know then.