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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sad Days in Champagne

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There is a hole in our life and one less traveller in our party.  Our beloved little black dog Noodle’s heart finally gave out last weekend. We think she had a heart attack last Friday night but she soldiered on through the weekend and on Monday the Capitan of the port in Epernay took us to the Vet who found her heart was barely functioning and we had to make the hard decision to have her put to sleep.

Those of you who knew Noodle know what a great dog she was and how lucky we were to have had her.  Poor little Rosie (above) doesn’t know what to do in life as Noodle was her leader and guide, but she, like us, will adjust.

We buried Noodle in the middle of a field of poppies next to the Marne, overlooked by the vineyards of Champagne and right beside a field of wheat.  So we will be reminded of her whenever we have a glass of bubbly, eat some great bread or see bright red poppies.

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  1. Condolences from all three of us. As you said, you were lucky to have had Noodle but she was also lucky to have had you two as her family.

  2. Losing a pet is always sad--we lost our 15 year old Tucker cat last fall and found a similar hole in our life. Sorry to hear of your loss.

    What a great place to bury her.

    Life comes as a gift,
    whether man or loving dog.
    Empty place in heart.


  3. Alice and JohnMonday, June 20, 2011

    So, so sorry to hear about Noodle.
