It’s been a couple of weeks since the last post but we have been busy and fighting colds so the blogging has taken a back seat.

When we arrived in Dijon Terry (with cold) left for three days to visit Paris while Rosie and I worked on the boat. Dijon is a great town

but it is under major renovations while they tear up the whole town to put in a tram system from scratch – a major undertaking anywhere, let alone a medieval town. Mind you they seem very cavalier with all their bypasses and pedestrian walkways that would have personal injury lawyers in the US falling over their clients on the way to the courthouse.
We then set off down the the straight section that is the end of the

Canal de Bourgone. Along the way we picked up my (twin) cousin Liz and her husband Bill who were touring France in a campervan. Bill braved the clown bike to shuttle the van between boat stops as we moved down to St. Jean de Losne where Armida will spend the winter and we needed to make some preparations and line up some work to be done.
With Liz and Terry jaunting about in the campervan, Bill and I headed up the Saone and into the Canal du Rhon au Rhin, retracing the path of our first canal rental. The patchy weather that followed us from Dijon cleared to beautiful clear and sunny days but the cool and damp nights are telling us that summer is definitely over.

Liz and Bill got to enjoy the charms of Dole before heading off back to Paris and home to Brisbane while we just sat. Terry was not able to shake off her cold and it’s descent into her chest necessitated an encounter with the French medical system. A jovial doctor prescribed her the necessary antibiotics along with Vin Rouge! She is following the prescription to the letter and we hope she will be feeling a lot better soon.
We head home on October 18th so we will be puttering around this region until then.
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