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Friday, August 17, 2012

Paris in August

Yes it’s hot, a lot of the stores and bakeries are closed, the Bastille market was a shadow of last years’ – but it is still Paris.  We read  somewhere that about 50% of Parisians leave in August but that means that there is less traffic, things are more relaxed and even the air is cleaner.  It would be nice if it were a bit cooler though.

We rented a car for a few days so we could pick Sharon up at the airport and see a few sights before motoring into Paris. Our base was the lovely mooring at Moret-sur-Loing where Sisley, the impressionist painter used to live. Sharon arrived with no troubles and raring to go – no Jet-Lag for her. We incorporated a Vide-Grenier which is like a huge garage sale which the ladies loved while the dogs and I relaxed in the beer garden, a visit to the Medieval town of Provins and the magical palace of Fontainebleau which still knocks my socks off.

A long day of cruising with the big boys in the big locks got us within striking distance of Paris and allowed a gentle morning cruise into the city and a float past the sights before returning to the port of the Arsenal which feels a little like home as we spent a month here last year.

Terry took Sharon out today to the Orangerie and the Louvre where she left her with a map and a phone.  So far she hasn’t returned but we hope she can find her way out and get home.