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Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Final Stretch

 Dijon to St. Jean de Losne

The magnificent weather continued as we puttered around Dijon for a few days.

Fortuanetly I didn't need anything from the bakery on a Sunday morning.
The big boats cleared out on Monday. 

But not the big fish!
15 Kilos!

Then back he went.  The same guy was back the next day trying to catch it again.  No Luck.
For us it was two days down the long stretch of staight canal to St John de Losne

OK Lilou, back on the boat.  Oh all right I'll get you.

These "House Boats" are poppimg up along the canal, possibly Air BnBs.

The trip was fairy uneventful except for the afternoon of the first day when the rev counter stopped working, in fact all the instruments did, as well as the bow thrusters.  I didn't dare attempt to stop the engine in the locks and hold up traffic so kept going until I got to the mooring I was aiming for.  Even the engine shutoff didn't work and I had to physically operate the lever. 

I then spent a a couple of hours checking all the likely suspects such as fuses, key switches and tracing the instrument wiring, all the while "catastrophizing" about being stuck in the middles of nowhere.  Finally I noticed a diagram of an obscure connector on one of the original (dutch) drawings.  Wher could that be.  Aha, it was a collection of connectors on the back of the engine, one of which had unclipped and come loose. Plug it back in and "Voila"  all good.. Phew!

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