It has been hard coming to this decision, not made easier by the wonderful weather recently, but it has been coming for a while. We have two grandchildren in Sydney, and a new one in Southern California, 5 hours from here. We do still love France and the vagabond life on the boat, but something needs to adjust and this is it.
Armida was the perfect boat for us as it turned out. Big enough to be a comfortable home for two, and perefect for the dogs, yet easily maneouvered, and shallow and low enough for all the canals we wanted to do. She was even the perfect size to be single handed, once I had the ideal fender arrangment worked out. We hope someone buys her who appreciates her as much as we have.
If you are interested, ro know someone who might be she is for sale here:
Dog not included.
Sad she might be gone but… c’est le bummer.