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Thursday, April 29, 2010


Perhaps the most wonderful thing about being in the Netherlands at this time is to be able to experience a real spring again. They don't do it much better than here in Friesland – being a rural province with many small farms and villages and the occasional forest (that they call a wilderness) it has all the ingredients. We have baby lambs, cute little Friesian horses and baby goats. The daffodils were out when I first got here, they are the harbingers, but now we have wild flowers, flowering cherry trees and, of course, lots of tulips! Last week I swear 90% of the trees were still without leaves and now it seems that suddenly they are all completely covered. We have had great weather the last five days which has helped a lot but a cool change is coming this weekend. In the mean time we are sitting on the deck outside our little house in our B&B drinking a Belgian beer and looking out over the green fields to the distant windmill, noticing the next phase of spring – bugs.

1 comment:

  1. We're having a cooler than normal spring with all the rain, but it has been delightful nevertheless. Walking the path behind our house brings one a cornucopia of fragrances--orange blossoms, roses, jasmine--not to mention all the beautiful blossoms. We are truly blessed.
